Andrea Green

Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Human Race?

Having had one of those days when I'm disappointed with Humanity in general, I just need to rave a little while!!

What do we mean when we talk about the human race? What I really mean is why do we call it the human race. defines the word race as a local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics. Of course, that's the original meaning. But I can't help but look at it in terms of the human struggle, the human test, the human "race".

We as humans are quite competitive in nature. We are hard-wired to be. It's always been survival of the fittest. We had to be the best or we didn't survive or attract the right mates. It's funny that even though we can now buy our food at supermarkets and find our mates online we still have to put our best foot forward and compete. Some of us have won battles for jobs, and mates too I might add. But have we forgotten that we need to fight for our earth? What about our dignity and self-respect?

Most people, myself included, have made mistakes. God knows there's a lot of times I've wished I'd acted differently or said something differently. Most times, pride prevents me from telling the person that I've wronged that I was stupid for saying or doing certain things. It seems we treat strangers or acquaintance better than we treat our families. I guess it's because we know that no matter what we do, our family will always be there for us. The concern that strangers may not like us drives us to chew our words and stroke these egos more carefully (when a lot of times these people need a smack up side the head!!) Case in point. How often do we make the first step and apologize to people even when we know we're right, just to end an argument. It's certainly a practice in humility, and it happens, but not nearly enough. Yeah, people might argue that you're spineless and you let people get over your time, but still, swallow your pride and just do what it takes to get along!

What I've found about the Human Population is that we are generally selfish and uncaring. Do people really care if you're under the weather? Do they care that you just lost a loved one? Likely they'll say the right things like get well soon or sorry for your loss but do they really feel your pain? No. Of course not. We never put ourselves in other peoples shoes. Someone once told me that before you make judgment, walk a mile in someone's shoes. Then you're already a mile away when you disagree with their point of view (and you have a new pair of shoes).

I think that's how we as humans really are. We think the way we want to think and we barely consider why or how other people have the opinions they have. We automatically assume they are wrong and judge them accordingly. But then is there any wonder? We have done some pretty despicable things in the history of the world. How many races were almost destroyed by hate, at least one was made extinct that I know of. (The Beothuks). No wonder we are filled with prejudices and fears. How do we get beyond these fears??

Do people really care that we're polluting our planet beyond repair or overusing our resources? Ok. There are a handful of people. But that's not enough. I truly do care. But do I care enough to take steps to stop the destruction? Well, lets see, I use more than my share of electricity and water, I always have 3-4 bags of garbage to put out a week (even though I recycle pop containers), and I waste food more than you can imagine (even though my parents always told me not to waste because there are starving children in the world.)

When will the race to become better people begin? When will I become better?When will social responsibility become as important as landing that new job? Eventually, it will be the most important thing in our lives because we'll have no choice. Can you see our future? A future that has our planet so beaten down, it will take nothing short of hard word and major lifestyle changes as well as a miracle to bring us back from the brink of total self destruction. I know this seems a little harsh, but this is the harsh reality.

When will being courteous, friendly and considerate become a priority in our lives. Looking around the news stations, we are filled with violent graphics of people who are so filled with hate and destruction, I can hardly fathom how they can breathe. Yet, each year there are more crimes, fuller prisons and people who are forever changed by violence. If someone wrongs us, what is our first reaction? For some it is revenge. Others could say "I'm not talking to them again!" or "I'd like to smack that person." Why can't we sit there and think! Use the brains God gave us. Think WHY did this person say this or do that. I think most of the time we'll find we ourselves have some sort of responsibility. If we find we don't, look at the person themselves. Have they had the kind of life where they've been raised and cultured to be confrontational and abusive? We need to understand our opponents and not be so quick to judge. One wise man once said
"But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you;"
Matt 5:44. Jesus of course was right! If we all (and I mean ALL OF HUMANANITY) followed this, imagine the world we'd live in. The man brutally died on the cross for us and see how we repay him? By raping the world and hating eachother. Man I feel terrible for that.

Maybe this week, if we all tried not to judge people as quickly, if we were more thoughtful of the earth, it would make some small difference. If not a difference to the world, at least to ourselves. Maybe we can make this race about ourselves. Maybe we could all compete personally with our inner-self to be better people, make a better human race, a better population, and ultimately a better world. One person at a time!


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