Well, isn't this the cutest Heritage Fair display you've ever seen?
Aimée presented this at her school's Heritage Fair today. I'm so proud of her (and us for all the work WE did).
She decided the topic and decided what research she was going to do, and boy, we worked our guts out to put this together. She chose ten questions which she would cover in her report. She found all the info on the internet and we started putting it together. She sat next to me and told me what to type. I can still type 70 wpm, so it was much faster if I typed. Over a matter of a week or two, the report was finished, but she reviewed it and proofread it at least 10 times. The report also had a pile of photos (including pictures of her and Matthew mummering). She has a definite affinity for writing, research and the arts. She LOVED every minute of it and she does research essays for fun from time to time. (Even I wasn't that bad!!)
Then, the display. First we had to cover the backboard with material, because white was boring. After burned fingers with hot glue, put the border on, cut out all the MUMMERING letters (which took ages), and glued the heading on back. Then we decided what info was going to go on there and found photographs to put on there. It took us days to decide where to place all the items on the display. Our dining room table was tied up for a week!!
Then she wondered what to put on the display table as artifacts. We ordered the "Land and Sea" show called
Fortune Bay Christmas which first aired in 1986, and Uncle Kev put that onto a DVD for us to play on the mini dvd player.
Nanny baked a boiled raisin cake to give out with the purity syrup and peppermint knobs and coconut kisses. Nanny also did a painting of mummers for the display.
The report was also displayed. We even had the report cover laminated and had the report bound. Cost us a fortune, but it was worth it. She got selected to represent her school at the district fair at SWGC on May 5. She had her photo taken for the Western Star, and was later interviewed (taped interview for the Star). Her answers were soooo cute. The interviewer asked her what the whole purpose of the Heritage Fair was. She said "So we can learn about eachother's heritage." She went on to say that two of her best friends did their projects on Matty Mitchell and found out that they are related. :) I can't wait to see this in print.
I can hear Calvin Pretty now. He tormented Aimée one time before and said that he had to stop buying the paper because every time he looked in it he saw her. Then she was on TV and he said he had to get rid of cable too. :) She attracts media attention whenever she participates in things. I remember one summer, I bet she was in the paper 3 times. She was a spectator at the Triathlon, then as a participant of the Kids of Steel, and then for the Canada Day celebration. She's so proud.
Anywho, there will be some representation from the fair at the university to go on to the national fair in Lethbridge, Alberta. Because the theme this year was supposed to be "Where Once They Stood", I'm not sure she'll really qualify, but then to quote her report...."
This year’s theme is "Where Once They Stood." To me, this means that we should "go back in time," and learn about our ancestors and what they did during their lives that affect our lives today. While Mummering is not the most important thing on everyone’s minds, it’s very important to me. It helps me feel connected to our past and our ancestors."
Wouldn't it be something if she were chosen and got to go Mummering in Alberta??
I'll let you all know how she did!
Until Next Time . . .